OTC Hearing Aids Are Here!

Oklahoma's Largest & Most Trusted Hearing Aid Provider

When it comes to hearing aids, there are two types:

Prescription hearing aids, which are prescriptively fit to a person’s unique hearing loss, based on the results of their hearing test

And Over-the-Counter hearing aids, which aren’t prescriptively fit, and are meant for people with a milder hearing loss who just need a hearing “boost”

But how do you know which one you need? At Clear-tone, we have both options

and our expert hearing care professionals will help you understand the differences

so you can choose the option that best suits your hearing loss, lifestyle, and budget.

Hearing Aids Do More than Amplify Your Hearing

Did you know that hearing aids do more than just allow you to hear better? Many studies suggest that using these devices can improve your overall health and wellness:

Prevent Cognitive Decline

Research shows a link between hearing loss and severe diseases like dementia. When you don't use your auditory system, the part of your brain responsible for hearing degenerates slowly. In other words, the longer you forego hearing loss treatment, the more you expose your brain to damage.

Boost Mental Health

Studies suggest that hearing aids may prevent depression and improve your overall mental health, but how? When people regularly fail to follow conversations, they often begin to isolate themselves and avoid activities and time with their loved ones. Hearing aids will bring back the loss of function and encourage you to interact with others again.

Protect Physical Health

According to some studies, people who leave their hearing condition untreated become three times more likely to sustain physical injuries like falling or slipping. This is because our auditory health is significantly connected to our balance.

Relieve Tinnitus

There is no permanent cure for tinnitus, but modern hearing aids can lessen the symptoms significantly. If you suffer from this condition, you might want to discuss potential options with your doctor.

Make Your Appointment Today

or call: (918) 937-7737

Types of Hearing Aids

Behind-the-Ear (BTE)

BTE devices are small, easy to wear all day, and budget-friendly. The unit behind your ear matches your hair and complexion, so it is less noticeable. The main advantage of BTE devices is their capacity to help the entire spectrum of hearing loss, from mild to severe.

Receiver-in-the-Canal (RIC)

RIC hearing aids bring a perfect blend of invisibility, sound quality, and advanced technology making them the most popular style of hearing aid in the world. Even better, they were designed and patented right here in Tulsa by the Clear-tone team!

In-the-Ear (ITE)

In-the-Ear (ITE) style hearing aids are custom made devices that fill the entire ear, which makes them larger, but easier to adjust controls and change batteries

In-The-Canal (ITC)

In-the-Canal (ITC) style devices are a mid-sized option that combines wearing discretion with push-button controls. These aids offer a secure fit, easier insertion and removal, and longer battery life.

Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC)

Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC) hearing aids are smaller than In-the-Canal devices, making them more discreet, but also limiting their fitting range to more mild or moderate hearing losses.

Make Your Appointment Today

There are many options for hearing aids, which means there are several things to consider. Discover what has allowed Clear-tone to become the most trusted name in hearing.

or call: (918) 937-7737

@ Copyright 2022, Clear-tone Hearing Aids